Clinic Spaarnwoude Plus
There are various ways you can get to grips with golf. You can, of course, take private lessons, or book lessons together with 2 or 3 other people. Or, you can sign up to an introductory course or golf course permission course, for example.
Are you part of a larger group, would you like to learn the basics of this fun sport, or are you looking for a sociable outdoor activity? If so, why not book a clinic? We have a range of options available to make a great day! A few of these options are listed below, but we are always delighted to devise a bespoke solution for you, of course.
3-hour long clinic. 90 minutes of instruction on the driving range and on the green, followed by a few F holes under the guidance of a teaching professional, after which you complete the rest of the course on your own.
Cost: € 57,50 p.p.
Weekend surcharge: € 5,00 p.p.
Minimum of 8 people.